Holiday Time

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This month, we took a holiday trip to the big apple.
It was a great experience for all of us.
Highlights of the trip, for SerVlad, included the Natural History Museum, seeing the Rockettes, riding the subway, and all those revolving doors!
It was amazing to see all the real dinosaur bones that have been dug up and displayed!

The Radio City Christmas Spectacular was a great show!  Everything from the Rockette's, to Santa, to the Nativity! The show even had two parts where we had to put on 3D glasses!

We had great seats and munched on theatre popcorn!!

Sergio loved going underground to the subway!
He didn't want to keep his hat on so I tied my scarf around his neck!

This poor guy didn't always get the concept of the revolving doors...he either tried to step into them to late, or didn't get our fast enough.  Mom and Dad had a few saves so he didn't get crushed!