Christmas Cookies 2009: Choo Choo Train Edition
9:17 PM Edit This 0 Comments »First of all there was no sugar cookie mix to be found at the grocery store so I assumed I could by that refridgerated dough that comes in a tube. First mistake. I rolled out balls of it and cut it into shapes with train cookie cutter pieces. In the oven, they expanded into big blobs. No problem, when I took them out, I simply cut the cookie cutter shape into the middle of the blob...until they started to quickly harden... then it became a bit harder. But we ended up with a small batch and Sergio thought it was really, rally cool to decorate them as is!
8:30 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Sergio E was doing some work at his parents house yesterday so I brought Sergio V to the nearby Palm Beach Zoo. We hadn't been in a while. We saw all the animals, then Sergio ran like a wild animal in the fountains. Then... we realized it was Winter in July and he got to play on a small snow bank! FUN!