First Grader

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Sergio and I went to Open House at his new school!  He wasn't impressed that the theme of the room was monkeys!  :( He found his desk and asked that his pencil could be sharpened so that he could start drawing!  He LOVED to draw and cut out his drawings!

First Day of School August 2012 age 7 First Grade

Sergio picked out his backpack for the year-Bumble Bee of the Transformers!

 Not adjusting well to homework... ;(

I recently went back to the school for curriculum night.  We had dinner in th4 cafeteria, followed by some on screen presentations.  Then the kids were babysat in the Media Center while the parents visited the classroom and met with the teachers, learning how the children spend their day and what work they do. 

I LOVED peeking in Sergio's writing folder and composition notebook!  This heart says he loves Mom and Dad, Animal Crackers and Real Steel!  (A Robot Movie!)  ((Did you know that if you click on these pictures you can see them bigger??))

He is into space and aliens.

Alien Party???

This is the token system that is used in his class.  He has to behave in each section of the day. The goal is to earn all 8 and Sergio is allowed to draw at the end of the day!

Still drawing!

His teacher in the third from the left.