4 Years Old and He Knows the Tooth Fairy

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Dental Problems are common with Russian orphans, as a result of a combination of things, including poor nutrition.
SVZ had to have dental work done yesterday and he had to go into the hospital under general anesthesia to have it done. We went to 4 different dentists and each one agreed that without sedation, the process would have to be with SVZ in a straight jacket and in multiple sessions, which could really do some damage mentally. So the little trooper went in with a mouth full of teeth and came out with two less molars, two less front teeth, two caps and two fillings. The Dentist told us that SVZ's mouth was the smallest that he has ever worked in to that extent.
He was only able to sip some juice and had about a jar and a half of baby food yesterday. Today he is coming around. The gauze fell out, he has had juice and three soft baby foods and he managed to get one animal cracker down using his other teeth! The look on his face was priceless when he placed the animal cracker up to the spot where his usual teeth would take a good chomp out of it and there was nothing but space.

The Tooth Fairy came and brought him a Peter Rabbit Book and a Tow-Mater 'Doctor" towtruck.

He doesn't let me wipe his mouth too firm yet so I will get him in the tub soon and that should take care of the messy puss.
Update: Evening is here and after a warm bubble bath, he is looking much better!