Summer Vaca to See Mickey and Others!

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One of our summer trips this year was to visit Mickey and meet some other very special people.
Our hotel was really amazing-detail every where you looked!  We stayed at Mickey's Wilderness Lodge!  You really did get the feel you were in a lodge somewhere in the wilderness...haha, the whole intention!
SerVlad thought it was sooo cool to have bunk beds and he quickly climbed up top! 
 The lobby of the lodge was just massive and cool!
We visited Epcot-A first for SerVlad! 

SerVlad really enjoyed everything we went on! So much here was educational for him as well. 
 They gave him a button that said 1st Visit!

What is a trip to Disney without visiting your pals? 

SerVlad gave Minnie a hug, then a kiss!  She was so touched and then kissed hi8m back! 

 Went on The Seas ride with Nemo and Friends.  When we got off the ride, there was a great interactive area with aquariums to visit.

As we were exiting an exhibit out a side door, this fine couple was walking by-headed to a spot to meet people.  SerVlad was the first one they met and they were so pleased to meet him.  He was very polite and after they said goodbye, he said, Mom, who are they? Why, it's Mary Poppins and Bert! (Okay, so I wasn't quite sure who they were either-especially Bert-they
had a guide with them who introduced them!)

I just love this picture of Sergio and Sergio!
So many cool elements to it! 
Back inside the Wilderness Lodge 
The gift shop-Sergio's favorite thing inside: Goofy's Sour Worms! 
Lobby area where we met some new friends.  We were here as part of  a big group-65 families who's lives were touched by Russian adoption!  It was so great to see some of the children and meet some of the families that I have been corresponding with on Face Book for a long time now!  
From our room-we could see the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom every night!  That was fun! 
A little stroll around Downtown Disney.   

Trying out Dad's shades.

I wanted to go up in this tethered hot air balloon ride but it was grounded due to weather.  
Sergio's comment after we left downtown:  Man, Downtown Disney STINKS!  It only has one ride and it's a hot air balloon!   
Back to the room, we got in some pool time, and then
changed to go to our main event with the group. 

Just love my two Sergio's!!!!! 
We took a boat to Fort Wilderness to attend Mickey's Backyard BBQ! 

The kids started running around and having a good 'ole time! 
They even sat quietly when there were performances. 

Time to boogie with the characters and other guests. 
SerVlad got his signature moves going right away! 

Our happy family.  At one point in the night, I was dancing with SerVlad to the song, God Bless the USA!  Yeah, safe to say Mommy's waterworks were in full gear.   lol
Time for the conga line with Mickey. 
Check him out...thrilled to be between two hunnies! 
His face just tells me that the whole trip was worth it. 
What a beautiful sight as we waited for the boat to get back to Wilderness Lodge. 

Special end to a special night.