Science, Math and Language

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Sergio is quite the little learner! I went to pick him up last week and he had a plastic container in his cubby with 'some dirt in it' that I didn't know if I was supposed to take home or if I needed to leave it at school to let something grow. So I left it and asked his teacher when I got to the play ground. Oh, take it home she said, it is a COMPLETE ECO-SYSTEM and will grow grass. WOW, my son is creating ECO-SYSTEMS??? I am impressed!

I asked Sergio to count for me. He successfully counted one to ten, only missing the number four. When big Sergio was home, I asked Sergio to count for Daddy. He proceeded as follows: "Eleven, Fourteen, Eighteen.". 11, 14, 18??? Sergio and I were surprised that he even knew these numbers! What a smart boy!

Spanish update: I have been teaching Sergio some Spanish words. He says: Hello, Hola; Rain, Ulleve; Let's Go, Vamanos, Bye, Adios, and Mouth Boca! At this rate he will know all the Spanish I do by next week! hehe