Potty Training 101

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Please comment with any potty training advice that you may have!

We are trying and SV has a super new potty chair. He sat on it yesterday for 20 minutes and one drop of wee-wee was produced. HOORAY!


Anonymous said...

We just did it boot camp style. The weekend of July 4, we stayed indoors for 2.5 days. On July 3, we watched a video on PT. We made a big production of how special it would be.

Then, on July 4, I put Chloe on the potty every 20 min. Every time she went, she got a sticker that went on chart and was placed on the fridge. She counted those stickers like war medals. She got big stickers for the big deed. We kept the stickers up for about a week.

After day 3, we have never had an accident. She was just ready. We are still not night time trained. I figure in a few months. We just got back from a week's trip to Toronto and she did really well.

Just stick with it. If you can get a Friday/Sat/Sun combo to do a boot camp like PT event, I strongly recommend it. Also, make a big deal after every attempt whether he is successful or not. He'll be a champ soon.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Just keep at it. We think that the best time to start is on the weekend. Preferably on an extended one. Any reward system that you chose should work you just need to be consistent with it. Good luck and God Bless the little guy.

Anonymous said...

All of these are great methods. When the boys were being PT, we actually stayed home for about 3 days and I had them naked around the house and told them that any time they felt the peepee coming - to run to the bathroom. There were lots of rewards too for actual peepee - keep in mind that they catch on quick that the act of going to the bathroom and not going peepee warrants a reward. So only actual peepee should warrant a reward. Its all very complex. :) They were fine after those 3 days. I also took them to the bathroom a lot to make sure there were no accidents. We still had a few accidents at school and at night a few times, but for the most part, it went really well. He looks really happy in the picture, so your doing something right.

Hugs and kisses,

Susy and the White Boys. :)