A Trip To Sandi Trails

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A friend let us know of someone who was giving away a few chickens at their Equestrian Center/Working Farm!  We went to pick them up but they roam the farm during the day so we had to wait until dusk when they 'came in for the night'.  While we were waiting, we had a great time exploring the grounds!  There were animals of every kind all over the place!

At first I thought this was a cow!

Lovely Sandhill Crane family.


Can you imagine how heavy that is to carry around?

Both those miniature horses were pregnant!

Chickens... or abominable snowmen? :)
If you want to check them out, visit: http://www.sanditrails.com/


sell my car said...

Your blog is very wonderful and the boy enjoying a great time with the birds and animals. I like the photograph of peacock.

first aid kit items said...

These are such a unique Chickens. I never seen this types of Chickens anywhere. Planning to buy one from Chickens market. It is really beautiful.