Dental Woes

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Do you remember this post?

Over a year ago, SVZ had to go into the O.R., under anesthesia to have some dental work done.  He is not a good dental patient, period.  Add that to his tiny mouth and the Dentist's ginormous hands and it's not a good combination.

Sergio went to the Dentist last week.  He wouldn't let the staff even take X-Rays... SO.... as far as the Dentist can see, Sergio needs three filling in the baby molars and suggests the O.R. .... AGAIN!

Sergio is at ANOTHER Dentist today in the hopes that they can help him in the office.  This Dentist's office offers in-office IV sedation.  Perfect right....... Nope!  They do not take our insurance but will offer us a discount.  Believe me we have shopped around for this same issue in the past and we ended up in the O.R. anyway. 

I talked to SVZ as Dad was driving him to the appointment and he told me, "Mom, I am flossing my teeth with some string.  The string goes in my teeth and takes all the allergies out."

Then Dad called me from the DMD office for a phone number to SVZ's Cardiologist.  (SVZ needs medical clearance for dental procedures due to his cardiac history.) I gave him the number and he asked for the Doctor's name.  Dr. Sherron I said.  Dr. Juan? he asked.... Oh my between the two of them I am going to hitch a ride on the crazy train!  Stay tuned.....