What's the Buzz?

10:15 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Sergio did it!  He got all of his tokens, every day for a full week for the first time this school year and he became 'The Bee of the Week'.  Mama Bee was just buzzing with pride!

As part of his special week, he got a visor with 'Team Attitude' on it to wear and keep, he gets his picture up on a giant hive (I will get a picture of that later!), and I got to go have lunch with him on Friday!! Yay!

I found this most adorable stuffed bee 'just by chance' and it was on clearance for $2.50!!! I brought it to him at lunch along with a yummy happy meal. 

One thing that truly touches my heart is the fact that he is excited and happy that I was there.

One hand on the nugget and one on the bee!  He names the bee Allamanda, after the school.  The school mascot is the Yellow Jacket.  We nicknamed him Al for short.

A super happy Mom and son and a little cutie peeking over!

Okay kids, time to line up and head back to class.  Bye Sergio-Mommy and Al will see you in a few hours!  xoxox


PAPA said...

The joy's of being a parent are the times like this.