Diary of a Day Care Drop Out

7:03 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Hi, It's me, Sergio V. In a nutshell, I quit school. My school wasn't cool. I would lose lots of things, get bit by other kids, come home dirty and hungry, have lots of dirt in my diaper, not drink much fluids, etc.... so, I quit.

I spent the day at Abuela's house. Awwww... that was the life! I went to Tia's house, Daddy came by and took me fishing, Abo and Aba played with me, I ate and drank good, I watched Kiko the bird, and I was always kept clean! A little guy could get used to this! I know it's only temporary until Mommy and Daddy find me a new school but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!


potsysmom said...

All you need now Sergio is a leather jacket and a motorcycle and you could be Fonzie!

Don't worry - Mommy and Daddy are going to find you a good school soon.

John and Andrew