Milestones - Shmile-stones

8:36 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Tonight Big Sergio decided it was time to convert Sergio V's crib into a toddler bed. I tried to have him wait until Friday night for a weekend of trials but he was insistant.

After the conversion, the tears of Mommy started to flow.

I couldn't help it, I want SV to get big and stong but I felt that I didn't want to lose 'My Baby'.

I went to get the camera and when I returned to the room, SV was repeating what Daddy had told him. "No more baby bed."

2 Happy Sergios and 1 Sad Mommy....................

I hope I will feel different in a few days...... Tune in...........


Anonymous said...

I wish that John and Andrew would have stayed in their cribs longer. Last night was their first night in regular twin size beds.

Don't be sad that Sergio V. is growing up. It's a good thing. Think of how far he's come and it's all been because of you and Sergio and your love for him.

Night Night Sergio V. Now hopefully you'll stay in your bed!