Pay Day

7:23 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Pay Day: Do you remember the board game called Pay Day? My Dad, Step-Mother, Step Brother and I used to play it when I was young. Well the board game was set up like a typical calendar month, whatever day you landed on, you would have to do what it said... pay for groceries, pay rent, or the best square: Pay Day! On every Sunday square it read "Sweet Sunday" Boring! Nothing to do on that square! My step-brother and I called it 'Sucker Sunday!" and we would chant it: Sucker Sunday, Sucker Sunday! Now I know who the real suckers were.... Sundays are AWESOME!


PAPA said...

It took awhile for that lesson to sink in. Sunday's are the best because they are "FAMILY DAYS." Got to love the little guy in the tube.