Autism Speaks Walk!

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Sergio and I were walkers on his school's team, The Allamanda Yellow jackets, for the Autism Speaks Walk.  We headed out in 47 degree weather.

Clearly the cutest walker with a hat that Lala had knit for him.

 How exciting to
meet the clown who makes the BEST nuggets!!
Some older children from Sergio's school performed in the amphitheatre and Geoffrey from that big toy place was there. 

Congresswoman Frankel and former West Palm Beach Mayor spoke.

 A woman led the crowd in a Zumba warm up-it was fun!
 Yeah-he's got the moves like Jagger!

 Zumba or Karate mixed with a boy scouts pledge on the right and an Orkan greeting on the left?
Such a Darling!
And kick...♪♫♪♫ Mom with a great scarf that my niece made me!  Walking along with the crowd.  Sergio walked the whole way-3 miles without any complaining.  He had Mom holding one hand, and his first grade teacher holding the other.  He later told his Abuela (Aba) that his teacher is beautiful, so maybe that's why he didn't complain!  ;) 

And the views along Flagler Drive were spectacular as always.

We did it!  Hope the walk generated lots of money and awareness for Autism research and programs.  I sure was proud of my little man!

Team Allamanda.