Doing the Fall Thing

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We had a family day and took SerVlad to D & D Farms in Palm City.  They advertised 'U-Pick' pumpkins, a corn maze and hay rides.  When we got there they told us the corn maze wouldn't be ready until Christmas.  Um...okay...corn mazes and Christmas really goes together anyway...not.
This picture was taken at the entrance to their produce store.  Sure made a great fall picture and my little pumpkin looks adorable!

Bonus!  They had a petting zoo area.  Goats, Chickens, Pigs, Donkeys, Cows! 

On to the Hay Ride!  The ride went all through the farms planting area and along an area that was set up for Zombie hay rides.  Guess which area Sergio liked?  Well it wasn't looking at the eggplant growing-he made that clear. 

I am a lucky Momma and Wife!

What's this?  The pumpkins?  We would be back to that area soon! 

So it turns out that it's possible that pumpkins don't grow in South Florida.  The pumpkins were brought in from wherever and placed in the fields.  At first I was a little put off, but in retrospect,
it's a nice thing to get the effect of a pumpkin patch for South Floridians.  
And how precious are these photos! 


Another visit to the animals before we left.  Then a stop in the store for gourds and some grape jelly. 


PAPA said...

Ahhh, life on the farm!