Horsing Around

11:28 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
In October, 2013, SerVlad started Horse Back Riding Lessons, or, Equine Therapy.
He has been on a few pony rides and had been lead on a horse around a ring on his birthdays, but this was the first time he is really meeting a horse and getting to know all about them and the equipment they use.

 His Instructor is a very special and patient lady.  I do believe we didn't find this farm and this instructor by chance, this was a gift from God.

While he may think he is only learning to ride a horse, there is much more going on in the background.  Skills like Social Skills, Confidence, Posture, Strength, to name a few! 


The name of the Program at the farm is Hopes, Dreams, and Horses.
The farm is just beautiful and it does wonders for me to be there just as it does SerVlad. 

Who is his entourage you ask?  Sergio's Instructor is always close by (there are only 2 children total in his class), and there are wonderful volunteers called 'Side Walkers' to ensure safety at all times.  

Sergio really enjoys his visit to the farm each week! 


Nancy said...

Looks like a beautiful farm and a wonderful program!