Christmas in May

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Nope, we are not really having Christmas in May-I'm just getting around to blogging it!  

Sergio was excited to help with the decorations and announced that he put 'The First Ornament of Christmas' on the tree.  I think it fell moments later.  :)

 I did an Advent House for him this year.  Each day in December there was a little door to open.  Since he doesn't eat much chocolate and it was difficult to find small gifts that were inexpensive to fit in the small doors, most days had a note from Santa with a clue to where his gift could be found.

He found items like ornaments, books, and small Christmas novelty items. 

On occasion there was a gentle reprimand in the note! 

I also did the Elf on the Shelf again this year.  Sergio named him Elfie last year. 

I do have to say, between hiding the ELF each night and doing the Advent House, it was A LOT of work!

But look at this precious boy-I'll do it again this year!  lol

 On Christmas Eve, we went to my husband's parents home in West Palm Beach for dinner and to open some presents.

When we got home, we set out the milk and cookies! 

Christmas morning was fun and Sergio was excited to get some things on his list!  This FLIP-EEZ hat looked so cute on him when he had it on riding his scooter! 

The last door of his Advent House proclaimed that he had made the NICE LIST! 
(skin of his teeth......)   ;) 

Stocking Time!  

Santa brought tickets for all three of us to go to the Circus!  Second row! 

Sergio and Daddy hanging on the bunk bed trying out the new Disney Infinity game! 

Well, I hope you all had a nice Christmas also!  Even though it's almost Memorial Day!